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Welcome to the CHJA Points Page

Remember that the Show Secretary has 10 days to get the results of a show to this office. She must verify all of the results against the judges cards, make copies of the show for all of the organizations, verify the rider's and owner's names and membership numbers, prepare Medal Class results and fees, balance the receipts and make sure all new member applications for the various organizations are correct. At some shows, the results must be prepared for 5 or 6 organizations! Once the results are received by this office the show is usually posted within 1-2 days.

Points from any show are finalized 30 days after they are posted on the website and cannot be changed.

It is a member's responsibility to check the CHJA website to confirm accuracy of points in this timeframe and bring any corrections to the attention of the CHJA Membership Office. We encourage you to check our points frequently and to be familiar with the point values. It is also the member's responsibility to be familiar with the CHJA rules.

Before you email the CHJA office with point questions, please be sure to do the following:

Click on Approved Shows to the left to see what shows have been included in the most recent points update.

Look up the show you are checking points for to see if there are any special notations about any of the classes that were run. For example the show may be recognized for "Medal Classes Only." 

If we haven't received the results, there will be a note stating "Results not yet received" next to the show. If we are still working on the show it will say "In Progress".  If the results have been posted, the date the show was posted is indicated under "Date Posted"

Remember that points become Final 30 days from the date they are posted and can't be changed. If the points from a show are "Final" it is indicated next to the show as well.

There may be reasons why a class was not CHJA recognized or didn't count for points. There may also be questions about the results of a class. In that case the show will be posted except for the class/classes in question and, there will be a notation advising the membership of what the issue might be.
Check your points frequently and be familiar with the point values.

For important information about point values and how to keep track of your own points, click on "How To Tabulate Points For Year End Awards". 

If you still have a question regarding your Points or Membership Status, send an email to chjact@gmail.com and include the following information if you are questioning points:

Horse/Pony Name
Show Name and Date
Division/Class in question

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